Content for the digital space
...and the users who inhabit it.
As a former journalist (NBC, Newsweek and NPR) my expertise is interpreting complex information into palpable messaging for lay and busy audiences. I lead end-to-end content design across various industries using UX methodologies with AI-based technologies.
I'm passionate about the storytelling. I manage projects, communicate efficiently and improve processes for internal and external projects by approaching problems holistically.
My muse appears at dawn, during moments of doldrum or in the trance of driving LA's freeways...
With the rapid onset of AI projects, my portfolio is evolving. Please contact me for my latest work.
A L'il Ditty 'Bout Me
Wanderlust Addict
I visit places that make my friends and family cringe.
Born Writer
Journaling since third grade, now I have 30+ diaries.
Signature Style
I learned Old Word cursive from Silent Gen teachers. (See logo.)
Cold War Nerd
Rapprochement? Détente? Kissinger? Pour the wine.
The 'Me' Album
Storytelling carries a world view shaped by places, people, events.

Badass Women
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala is Director General of the World Trade Organization. She and Bono talk aid to Africa. I simply asked for a post-interview picture.

Because sometimes it's so bad you gotta speak up. I testified at the Senate on a policy issue that deeply mattered to me.

View From The Nosebleeds
I took this picture of President Obama's speech at the UN from the press booth. What I remember most: all the dignitaries that nodded off.

Getting Dirty
I discovered the multiple uses of elephant dung on a hot day, in the middle of Botswana.

Book Interviews
He was born in the Amazon, in the 1930s at Henry Ford's hospital, when Ford established a failed utopia and rubber plantation.

Yes, Prime Minister
Tony Blair is a very popular guest which explains this blurry, harried picture, just before he jetted off to another interview.